An unfortunate fact of life as a single mom is that we tend to be on a very tight budget. Because of that, if even one small financial thing changes, everything else can go quickly, too. It’s not hard to look around and see many two-income households that are losing their homes to foreclosure, so it seems very possible that it could happen to any one of us at any time. Even something like children’s father being unable to make his child support payments, or not getting the overtime you’ve been counting on can make it hard to make your scheduled payments. If that happens, it may be time to see if you can refinance your home, for lower payments, or see what other options are available to you.(Note that personal loans, bad credit loans and such we cannot help you with. If you have foreclosure questions you need to find someone local to help you. Other home loans, mortgage and such for single mothers we cannot help with either. On our site you will find single mom grants, grants for college, scholarship information and you will also find great amount of details on getting free stuff) [Continue reading]
Financial Help for Single Mothers You Might Not Have Thought About
It used to be that single mothers without family support were largely on their own to cover a myriad of costs associated with raising children alone. But that has gradually changed over the years, more so with the advent of the Internet and social … [Continue reading]
Provide for Your Family with a Career in the Armed Services
For many single mothers, leaving their babies with someone else while they go off to work is a difficult thing to do. For these mothers, leaving their children behind to go off and serve in the military is unthinkable. But in the long run, it can … [Continue reading]
Awesome Time Management iPhone Apps for Single Moms
As a single mother chances are you're strapped for time. You may find yourself working two jobs and taking your children to soccer practice or ballet classes – all while juggling your own educational needs. The cold hard truth is that your time is … [Continue reading]
Affordable Childcare Options for Single Moms
As a single mom, you know how important it is to stretch your money as far as it will go. If you plan on returning to school, then the financial burden of taking care of your family - including finding someone else to take care of your children when … [Continue reading]
5 Simple Money Saving Tips for Single Moms
It can be hard to make ends meet as a single mom, even when working multiple jobs – and especially if you're going to school while taking care of your family. Add in the recent costs of inflation and you may find yourself struggling to make the … [Continue reading]
Must Know Grants
The government always wants to effectively grant the government rights for single parent mothers. You can use single mother grants in various instances like if your husband leaves you suddenly with no financial aids to your rights or you have to … [Continue reading]
Finding Educational Grants for Mothers Entering the Healthcare Field
It’s hard being a mother and pursuing an education at the same time - especially when you consider how hard it is just to be a mother! Not to mention the cost of returning to school. A lot of women feel trapped in the predicament of wanting to … [Continue reading]
Educational Grants for Single Mothers
The plight of the single mother is one that should never be taken for granted. Single moms provide food, clothing, shelter, and tons of other life necessities to their families. Sadly, as hard as they work to care for others, they sometimes forget … [Continue reading]
Tips For Single Moms Save Money On Health Insurance
One of the most expensive purchases a family can make is their health insurance, but it is an expense that is necessary for families and individuals. If you have ever fallen ill or needed to have surgery then you know how gut wrenching it can be to … [Continue reading]
4 Tips To Getting A Scholarship For Single Moms
The statistics are staggering, with millions of single moms throughout the U.S., many of them are young mothers that have dropped out of school or are giving up their dreams of having a college education in order to go to work and support their … [Continue reading]
3 Tips To Single Mom Time Management
Being a single mom and being able to handle your time wisely can be difficult. Single moms must have the ability to multi-task in order to keep their household running smoothly. The first thing you need to remember is that you are only one person and … [Continue reading]
4 Tips To Get Financial Aid for Single Moms
As many single moms will tell you, it is not easy being a single mom and having to care for children and be the sole provider for their every need. You may find yourself working more than one job and you may find yourself in the predicament where … [Continue reading]
4 HUD Tips For Single Moms
If you are tired of living in a cramped apartment with your family and are ready for home ownership but need assistance with finding affordable housing one organization that may be able to offer help is the HUD (Housing and Urban Development) … [Continue reading]
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